Beak and Feather Disease Virus (BFDV/PBFD)

Indications, characteristics and screening

Detection of BFDV (Beak and Feather Disease Virus), beak and feather disease virus, by real-time PCR.
This disease is also known by the English name of Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD).

Test indications

  • Diagnosis of beak and feather disease in Psittaciformes.
  • Detection of healthy carrier animals
  • Epidemiological risk assessment (identification of viral circulation in the community)
  • Assessment of environmental contamination (cage, aviary, etc.)

Test characteristics

Samples to be taken

The bird... …has clinical signs of PBFD …has no clinical signs
... lives in a community Blood total (EDTA) and if plumage disorders follicle of an abnormal young feather with pulp

Liver and spleen on dead animal

Sang total (EDTA) for determining individual status
+/- Surface swabs per batch of animals (cage walls, feather dust, etc.): contamination of the environment of one (or more) bird(s)
... lives alone Sang total (EDTA)

Interpretation of the result

  • Positive result: compatible with beak and feather disease or a transient infection (asymptomatic animal). Presence of the virus in the environment (analysis of surface swabs).
  • Positive result at the limit of detection or low/very low viral load: compatible with a transient or beginning infection or with environmental contamination of the biological sample (particularly for feathers)
  • Negative result : absence of BFDV in the sample(s) or quantity of virus below the detection threshold of the test. Exclusion of an acute form of the disease.
Do not hesitate to Contact Us for an interpretation of the quantitative result

Chlamydia psittaci

Ferret distemper

Psittacid polyomavirus


HDV virus and Variant (RHDV1+RHDV2)