Cryptosporidium sp.

Demande d'analyse PCR chat, chien, et autres animaux

Indications, characteristics and screening

Quantitative analysis of the load in Cryptosporidium sp. responsible for digestive disorders in cats and dogs. Cryptosporidium sp. is a coccidia responsible for chronic diarrhea of ​​the large intestine and small intestine. Co-infections are possible with Giardia in dogs and cats, and Tritrichomonas fetus in cats.

Test indications

  • Diagnostic de la cryptosporidose in its digestive form
  • Determination of excretory status
  • Treatment monitoring.

Test characteristics

Samples to be taken

  • Ecouvillon rectal (dry swab without transport medium)
    Given the intermittent nature of excretion and therefore the risk of a false negative on a single sample, to establish a diagnosis, we recommend:
    • That is, at least 3 consecutive analyzes (if the first two are negative) on samples taken 1 week apart.
    • Or a single analysis carried out on a pool of rectal swabs taken every two to three days over 10 days (i.e. 3 to 5 swabs) and kept in the fridge (grouped sending of 3 to 5 swabs). This option delays the diagnosis time, but covers a longer period to increase the chances of sampling during an excretion phase.

Interpretation of the result

  • Negative result: Absence of coccidia or quantity below the detection threshold. A negative result does not exclude Cryptosporidium carriage, as rectal excretion is intermittent. Consequently, several consecutive tests or a single test on a mixture of samples taken a few days apart are necessary in order to confirm the absence of Cryptosporidium (see recommended protocol above).
  • Positive result : Presence of the parasite in the sample. Positive results should be interpreted in the epidemiological-clinical context and depending on the duration of development. The PCR test being quantitative, it is interesting in the treatment follow-up, in order to evaluate its effectiveness (reduction in excreted load).
Do not hesitate to Contact Us for an interpretation of the quantitative result


FIP bibliography

PCR assessment + Cat Serology

Bordetella bronchiseptica

Feline bornavirus



Feline coronavirus and FIP

Cryptosporidium sp.



Giardia sp.

Blood hemoplasms

Feline herpesvirus


Mycoplasma felis

Parvovirus (panleucopénie/typhus)

Salmonella sp.


Toxoplasma gondii

Tritrichomonas foetus

Typing of carnivore parvoviruses