Feline herpesvirus

Demande d'analyse PCR chat, chien, et autres animaux

Indications, characteristics and screening

Search forfeline herpesvirus by real-time PCR

Test indications

  • Assessment of viral shedding and contagiousness cats in a community.
  • Determination of breeding status in breeding.
  • Detection of chronic asymptomatic carriers
    Due to the location of the latency sites (mainly nerve ganglia and incidentally tonsils and cornea), PCR cannot detect all latent carriers. This is why determining the status of an asymptomatic animal requires sampling several sites (oropharyngeal, conjunctival and corneal) at the most appropriate time (for example at least 1 week after quarantine or after giving birth).
  • Diagnosis of herpesvirose in cats showing clinical signs (coryza, ocular forms, reproductive disorders).

Test characteristics

Samples to be taken

  • Eye signs: conjunctival cellss with a cytobrush (especially if chronic disorders) or possibly with a dry swab
    corneal cells in the presence of keratitis: corneal tracing using a hydrophilic membrane (reference on request / material available from Scanelis) or possibly with a dry swab.
  • Coryza: oropharyngeal cells (conjunctival or nasal depending on clinical signs), thoracic effusion, lung (not fixed).
  • Abortions, reproductive disorders: vaginal and/or placental cells, preputial cells and/or sperm, fetal organs.
  • Determination of status of asymptomatic animals: oropharyngeal cells (take from the tonsils) with a cytobrush or possibly with a dry swab.

Interpretation of the result

  • Negative result: Absence of the virus or quantity below the detection threshold of the technique.
  • Positive result : Presence of the virus in the sample.
    If the quantity of virus is very low, we indicate this to you on the analysis report. Positive results must be interpreted in the clinical context and depending on the duration of development. The Scanelis test is semi-quantitative.
    For an interpretation of the result in a clinical context, it is necessary to take into account a minimum carriage rate of 8% (higher in shelter cats) in asymptomatic animals (eye samples) with the test developed by Scanelis.
Do not hesitate to Contact Us for an interpretation of the quantitative result


FIP bibliography

PCR assessment + Cat Serology

Bordetella bronchiseptica

Feline bornavirus



Feline coronavirus and FIP

Cryptosporidium sp.



Giardia sp.

Blood hemoplasms

Feline herpesvirus


Mycoplasma felis

Parvovirus (panleucopénie/typhus)

Salmonella sp.


Toxoplasma gondii

Tritrichomonas foetus

Typing of carnivore parvoviruses